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Message from HUSH Executive Director |
That’s exactly what we do - move forward. If we do not, then we are stagnant and ineffective. The fight remains the same, it hasn’t changed. The Pennsylvania Farm Bureau remains opposed to hunting on Sunday and will continue their hypocritical efforts to infringe on hunter-landowner rights all the while asking for politicians to grant exemptions and other favorable programs to farmer-landowners.
There are more hunters in this state and more than likely more hunter-landowners than there are voting farmer members of the PFB. We as hunter-conservationists just simply outnumber them. That is why we must remain consolidated in our efforts to bring this archaic blue law prohibiting hunting on Sunday to an end.
Politicians have learned that we have organized. The PFB has learned their dynasty is coming to an end. Their ability to hide behind PFB enabling politicians and the long-running ill-fated excuses of ‘why not’ will no longer be tolerated. It is time that Pennsylvania entered the 21st Century in regards to hunting and conservation.
The sky has not fallen in West Virginia. There the legislature has done the right thing and ignored the West Virginia Farm Bureaus opposition and opened the state for hunting on Sunday. West Virginia is benefiting from this. If West Virginia legislators can ignore their farm bureau and reap the benefits the same can and should happen here in Pa.
As I have previously stated. We are just getting started. This fight to bring Sunday hunting opportunities is much larger than any person or organization. It is based on our principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
You have my commitment that Hunters United for Sunday Hunting will continue in our mission to bring full regulatory authority to the Pa. Game Commission. I ask that everyone stay engaged, involved and continue the journey with us.
Let’s make 2020 the year of real hunter-conservationist change in Pennsylvania. It’s time we take conservation out of the hands of politicians and Pa. Farm Bureau and place it fully where it belongs – Pa. Game Commission.
Kevin B. Askew
Executive Director
Hunters United for Sunday Hunting
I dont want to see just 3 sundays though. Because really 1 extra day of deer season.....wow. big win there. I want every Sunday during the season open. Also would it kill us to do away with the whole split season thing. In Georgia from the third saturday in October on through the end of January you can pretty much carry what you want. This would allow the hunters the freedom to carry what they're comfortable with. If you like archery carry a bow, if you like rifles carry a rifle, and so on. What's the harm in that? It works.
ReplyDeleteAmazing blog.
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