Saturday, January 25, 2020


Statement to Pa. Game Commissioners, January 25, 2020
Executive Director Burhans, Deputy Executive Directors Grohol and Palmer, Commissioners, and Staff:
Good morning commissioners. My name is Kevin Askew, I am the Executive Director for Hunters United for Sunday Hunting. Let me first say that my organization, as well as the 20 other conservation organizations, remain focused on the mission and task to remove the prohibition of Sunday hunting in Pa Title 34 Game law, through education and influence the legislatures to change the law accordingly.
As commissioners, you are now faced with what do you do with the three Sundays of hunting opportunity for the upcoming season. It is not your fault that lawmakers anchored two of these Sundays - one in archery season and one in deer rifle season. It would have been best for all three Sundays to be set by you, the subject matter experts. But here we are today, with three additional days of hunting opportunity as dictated by Senate Bill 147. So what do you do?
The fight to bring hunting on Sunday has never been about a particular species or season. It is not about deer, it is not about specific seasons, it is not about this firearm or the other. It is about the increased opportunity based on your agency's resource first model and the North American Model of Wildlife Management.
Reports have indicated that in setting the upcoming seasons you are considering adding a Sunday for bear and as dictated by law the Sunday for deer rifle and the Sunday in archery. What has not been reported is what other species will be available to hunt on these Sundays. Will any of the small game or furtaking species be available to hunt on these Sundays? If not and there is a biological reason that is fine. Just let us know why a species can’t support additional hunting. We as hunters definitely will understand. But if there isn’t a biological reason, then let us hunt any and all available species. The time afield is very valuable to us, as you know. 
It is important that you get this as correct as possible from the beginning. There are still many nay-sayers among us who think the sky may fall when these three Sundays are implemented. These people, politicians included are just lying in wait to have another thing they can blame on you as the Pa. Game Commission. So, do all you can to not give them that satisfaction.
The conservation and hunting community supports the wildlife management decisions made by this agency. Sunday hunting is no different. All we are asking is that you maximize and set the upcoming seasons and bag limits for as much hunting opportunity as possible on these precious few Sundays. 
In closing, I want to take the time to thank the commissioners and PGC staff for the way you have handled the information regarding Senate Bill 147 as it went through the final steps. You kept people informed, were transparent, and educated as much as possible on what was happening. This helped my organization as well as others. For that I thank you. 
Again, as one of the leading organizations for Sunday hunting. Hunters United for Sunday Hunting asks that you maximize these three Sundays by allowing as much hunting opportunity that is biologically permitted. 
Thanks for your time;

Kevin B. Askew
Executive Director, Hunters United for Sunday Hunting

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