Thanks Joe for providing us a copy of the letter you sent to Pa. politicians. Your frustration is not lost on any of us. We need more of these letter being sent to politicians in this state.
Letter from Joe - Disgruntled Veteran & Hunter
To the politicians of Pennsylvania:
I am an army combat vet who served in Baghdad from 2003-2004. I now own a home, land and have three kids. I want to pass on the family hunting tradition. My daughter is three and even at this young age, she knows daddy loves deer. It is not uncommon for me to work six days a week with Sunday being the day I have off. Being on commission based salary, Saturday is the day I make my money.
I find it both ironic and pathetic that I can't use the very freedom I served to protect to hunt the land I own on the only day I have off [Sunday] with my children. Especially since the Pennsylvania Game Commission supports hunting on Sunday as a game management option.
I want to teach my kids how to hunt, but I also want to instill ethics and morals into their lives. With Senate Bill 147 not passing this year I decided to purchase a New York state hunting license. On Sundays, I will be spending my time there. When my children turn 12 years old, I will be taking them there as that's the age they can legally hunt in NY.
My plan for next year if SB147 does not go through is to purchase an acre or two in NY close to the state lands that I will be hunting. This will also allow me to take advantage of lower license prices for me and my family.
I can assure all of you politicians if we do not have full inclusion of all Sundays by the time my kids are 12 years-of-age. I will refuse to spend a dime of my money in this state [PA] when it comes to hunting.
I have also decided to not support dairy farms in Pennsylvania. I will make sure any money spent on dairy products for my family will be on products that come from elsewhere. I understand how that sounds but I don't care, the Pa Farm Bureau claims to represent all these farmers that are dictating what I can and can't do with my children on my private land. I know that may not make much difference but I can't in good conscience support them [farmers] knowing that a portion of that money benefits the PFB in some way.
Please understand I am not an unreasonable person but I have had my fill. To us, hunting is very important as a family and we should not have to make a choice between hunting or summer vacations or choose a different career path to get my kids hunting.
Thank you for your time.
Joe - Disgruntled Veteran & Hunter
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CONTACT: Hunters United for Sunday Hunting TELEPHONE: 717-350-6741 EMAIL : WEBSITE:

CONTACT: Hunters United for Sunday Hunting TELEPHONE: 717-350-6741 EMAIL : WEBSITE:
CONTACT: Hunters United for Sunday Hunting TELEPHONE: 717-350-6741 EMAIL : WEBSITE:
April 9, 2024. Testimony to Pennsylvania House Game and Fisheries Committee for Informational Meeting on HB 2106 , HB 2107 , HB 2108 . L...