Thursday, January 26, 2023


    Hunters United For Sunday Hunting

Statement to PA Game Commissioners, January 28, 2023, Public Meeting

Executive Director Burhans, Commission President Mitrick, Vice President Schnepp-Giger, District Commissioners, and Staff:

As the executive director of Hunters United for Sunday Hunting thanks for the opportunity to submit this letter as part of the PA Game Commission January 2023 public meeting.  

As you well know the mission to bring full regulatory authority to the Pennsylvania Game Commission to decide seasons and bag limits all days of the week including Sunday is alive and well.  Senate Bill 67 has been drafted, prepared, and placed in the legislative process for the 2023-2024 session.  With your continued support of having full regulatory authority to set seasons and bag limits that include Sunday, there is no doubt that Senate Bill 67 will make progress during this legislative session. 

Though mentioned often it deserves repeating.  The fight to bring hunting on Sunday has never been about a particular species or season. It is not about deer, it is not about specific seasons, it is not about this firearm or the other. It is about the increased opportunity based on your agency's resource first model and the North American Model of Wildlife Management.

As commissioners, your support and efforts to bring more hunting opportunities not only on Sunday but all days of the week are not going unnoticed.  It is having a positive effect across the state.  Just take a look on any forum for the 2021-22 hunting season it doesn’t take long to find, see or hear about someone being able to mentor, or a new hunter being afield,  re-engaged hunters able to participate once again, along with the majority of hunters thankful for more species being available to hunt on the three given Sundays.  Please continue doing what you're doing.  Your work is helping. 

Take comfort knowing Hunters United for Sunday Hunting will remain steadfast in our mission now and in the future.  As a grassroots organization representing hunter-conservationists throughout the state that advocates for less political interference in wildlife management and more opportunities and choice allowing for more participation of all hunters.  Hunters United for Sunday Hunting will oppose any legislation that is drafted that removes wildlife management decisions or the ability to set seasons, dates, and bag limits from your control.   

In closing please continue to support and educate people, legislators, and organizations on Senate Bill 67 and what it specifically means and does for the Pennsylvania Game Commission and for conservation in the Commonwealth.  Carry on with being as inclusive as possible for all huntable-game on the three Sundays. Most importantly have faith that hunter-conservationists and conservation organizations understand that as commissioners when faced with a decision, be it an easy right one, or a hard-correct one.  That decision will always be based on the PGC mission and what is best for the wildlife resources of PA.

Executive Director, Hunters United for Sunday Hunting

Wednesday, January 4, 2023


Kevin B. Askew
Executive Director
Hunters United for Sunday Hunting
As we end one year and begin a new one.  It is very encouraging to look across the hunting community and see all the new hunters, boys, girls, men, and women.  All the mentoring that is occurring, the re-engaged hunters that have returned, and the retired but interested who still remain. Here at Hunters United for Sunday Hunting we find this promising as we look to the future and what can and might be.  Looking at why this interest has come about the answer is simple; opportunity and time.   People are taking advantage of what is being provided to them by the Pennsylvania Game Commission and choosing what works best for them just as they do with all other things that pertain to their daily lives.

If you are paying attention to the hunting community you will find three things being talked about.  Senate Bill 67 providing the ability to hunt on Sunday. The new capability to purchase antlerless tags electronically with the signing of Senate Bill 431 into law 2022 Act 148.  Whether to choose or not choose to hunt on Saturday of the deer rifle season opener.

Winston Churchill once said, “If we open a quarrel between past and present, we shall find that we have lost the future."   It is no secret that getting people interested in hunting is a challenge.  But look at it as that kid, young adult, or adult that finds themselves interested or just starting out hunting.  The minute they start looking, observing, or asking questions, what do they find?  We hunters fighting amongst ourselves over benign and simple issues.  Could or would that be a turn-off to you?

How does this situation get fixed?  First, we as hunter-conservationists stop fighting amongst ourselves over such benign issues as the personal choice to hunt on Sunday, Saturday, or any other day of the week.  We stop arguing over the use of crossbows, compounds, and longbows.  We recognize no one has lost anything with rifle deer season opening on Saturday.  We quit fighting the change of purchasing a doe license electronically.  We cease pitting ourselves against the other on what weapon we choose or what season or species we decide to hunt.  At the end of the day, we are hunter-conservationists participating in the world’s best wildlife system, The North American Model of Wildlife Management.
Our country was founded on the bases of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and freedom of choice.  That is what the hunting culture is all about.  This may very well be what is attracting all the newcomers.  As a hunter-conservation community we have a choice; embrace what makes us great and showcase that or struggle against it risking turning people off or away.

The path is plain with Hunters United for Sunday Hunting.  We will remain steadfast in our mission to help bring seven days a week hunting opportunities for everyone's personal choice of enjoyment.  This is the way to advance and keep our sport alive, interesting, and growing so future generations can enjoy what we provided to them.

From the Hunters United for Sunday Hunting team.  Hope your hunting season is going well.   Have a safe, happy, and enjoyable new year. 

Sincerely; Kevin B. Askew


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