Sunday, June 16, 2024



CONTACT: Hunters United for Sunday Hunting
TELEPHONE: 717-350-6741

Correspondence For:

Rep. Joanna E. McClinton

Rep. Matthew D. Bradford

Rep. Dan L. Miller

Rep. Bryan Cutler

Rep. Timothy J. O'Neal

My name is Kevin Askew, I am the executive director of Hunters United for

Sunday Hunting, the lead organization working to end the archaic blue law prohibiting hunting on Sunday.  I am addressing you as the decision makers and leadership team for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.  First, I recognize the tough and stressful task you all have in navigating, deciding, and tabling quality legislation for a vote.  It has to be a daunting duty.  This brings me to the subject at hand The Steele Deal of HB2106, HB2107, HB2108, and the 16 irrelevant and ridiculous amendments that have been introduced for consideration and inclusion.  These amendments have no substance or value and serve no purpose being added to The Steele Deal.  They just don’t.

This has been a nearly 53-year process getting to this current position and point of removing the blue law prohibiting hunting on Sunday bringing PA into the 21st Century societal standards.  Rep. Mandy Steele has done a tremendous job, one that could not be done in all those years of bringing all the stakeholders of hunter-conservation, agriculture, Pennsylvania Game Commission, law enforcement, and legislators to the bargaining table with the common goal of penning a fair deal for all, The Steele Deal. 

Take a moment and put all the politics and emotions aside.  Simply and frankly The Steele Deal provides everything needed not everything wanted.  HB2106 removes the archaic blue law deemed unenforceable in 1976 by the PA Supreme Court.  HB2106 also strengthens trespass laws something that agriculture and hunter-conservation have both wanted. HB2107 provides a tool that will connect hunters and agriculture to assist with the crop damage issues being experienced throughout the commonwealth by farmers. HB2108 is a hunter-conservation and agriculture mission multiplier when viewed and interpreted correctly.  It quantifies and qualifies what has existed for at least a decade on the PGC commissioner board as an agriculturist. That applicant will now have to meet the criteria of being knowledgeable in the area of wildlife management as well as actively engaged in a normal agricultural operation as defined in the Right-to-Farm Law. 

This legislation is not about Rep. Mandy Steele and what she wants.  It’s not about politically punishing or controlling the PGC.  It’s not about any individual politician's idealogy. It’s not about one political party versus another.  It’s not about your personal feelings as a leader.  What The Steele Deal is all about is doing the right thing and ending this 53-year benign fight to remove the blue law while benefiting agriculture and updating the long-needed trespass laws.   This is about allowing free people to be free people as stated in the PA Constitution  “All men are born equally free and independent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing and protecting property and reputation, and of pursuing their own happiness.”

French philosopher and author Jean-Paul Sarte wrote “Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat.” I implore you as leaders to do the right thing. Do not molest The Steele Deal with any of the 16 irrelevant amendments.  They are of no value and do no good for the quality piece of legislation presented by Rep. Mandy Steele and sponsors. All stakeholders have worked on and agreed to The Steele Deal.  Do not allow those who are not rowing the boat to only rock it.

You as leaders are on the cusp of history.  It is time to end the stupidity and get this done.  Five decades is long enough.  Don’t be the leaders that make it six decades.

Thank you for your time.  Please do not hesitate to contact me for further

discussion on this issue.  

///Kevin B. Askew///

Executive Director, Hunters United for Sunday Hunting


The outdoor industry [including hunting/shooting/trapping] added more value to

our commonwealth’s gross domestic product than all of Pennsylvania’s farms,

all of Pennsylvania’s oil and gas wells, and even all of Pennsylvania’s lawyers. 

2021 Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce.

PA House Bill 2106 

PA House Bill 2107

PA House Bill 2108

Steele Deal 16 Amendments

Pennsylvania Constitution


Western Pennsylvania farmers support Sunday deer hunting legislation

Hunters Celebrate More Than 25 Percent Surge Over Past Five Years

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  CONTACT: Hunters United for Sunday Hunting TELEPHONE: 717-350-6741 EMAIL : WEBSITE: