Pennsylvania House Representatives, Game and Fisheries Committee:
Pa. Farm Bureau farmers do not own all the land. We as hunters own ground as well.
Hunters United for Sunday Hunting welcomes the additional hunting opportunity in Senate Bill 147 and understands the task and decisions ahead of you as state representatives.
The three-day stipulation in SB147 is disappointing. That decision is definitely not based on any scientific evidence, nor what hunting conservation in Pennsylvania deserves. The full complement of Sundays is truly what is needed without question.
Educate yourselves a little bit and understand what Senate Bill 147 does. The biggest misunderstanding is that it is only a ‘hunting’ bill. The fact is, trespass is the main portion. Specifically, the trespass that Pa. Farm Bureau has been wanting. This is a very simple bill that does everything it needs, provides for landowner rights, strengthen trespass, and provides additional hunting opportunities. The Pa. Farm Bureau has been asking for decades for trespass laws to be updated, the language in this bill is exactly what they have been wanting. Trespassing while hunting would be a primary offense and enforceable by both game wardens and law enforcement officers. But yet they are still opposed? Why? The Pa. Farm Bureau just wants to posture and stand in the way of wildlife conservation progress in this state for no real reason. The Pa. Farm Bureau knows full well that they are getting stronger hunting trespass laws that benefit both farmers and landowners. All the while providing additional hunting opportunities to farmers and others.
It is no secret that the Pa. Farm Bureau wants to hold SB147 up by asking for a ‘written permission’ amendment. What the PFB is not telling you is that they are working with Representative Dawn Keefer on a “use of paint to designate no-trespass areas” better known as purple paint laws used in various other states. As written by PFB [purple paint] “Would allow landowners to identify with purple paint on trees, fences and other structures those areas of the property where entry is prohibited, with paint markings having the same legal protection against unauthorized trespass as posting “no trespassing” signs.
This is very important to understand when it comes to Senate Bill 147. ‘Purple paint’ negates the need for ‘written permission’ and confirms the PFB only wants to hold SB147 up for no real reason. If the PFB were to come clean, you would find out their opposition has nothing to do with trespass and has everything to do with religion.
SB 147 is a step forward to correct a 337-year-old antiquated blue law. If you do some research you will find that the four words ‘Hunting on Sunday Prohibited’ in Pa. Title 34 Game Law dates back to 1682 as a colony under British control. The laws were enacted for religious reasons designed to drive people to observe Sunday as the Sabbath. There are over 300 religions currently practiced in this century, not all of them observe Sunday as a Sabbath. As legislators you have a choice; continue to make history and help advance hunting conservation to fit modern times; or, continue a 337-year old outmoded law.
We encourage the passing of Senate Bill 147 in its current state. Without any additional amendments or hold-ups. The quicker SB 147 gets through the legislative process the better. Only then will we be able to come together on what is truly needed and what is best for the future of hunting conservation in Pa.
Hunters United for Sunday Hunting and the over 20 supporting organizations remain dedicated to our mission to remove the prohibition of Sunday hunting in PA Title 34 Game Law through education, and influence legislatures to change the law accordingly.
Kevin B. Askew
Executive Director, Hunters United for Sunday Hunting
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