Sunday, January 6, 2019


I want to take the time and direct a message to all the hard-working farmers and agriculturalists in Pennsylvania.  As we move forward in this year's legislative cycle to work a solution on having PA Title 34 Game Law changed and updated to remove the prohibition on Sunday hunting.  It is important that you understand that Hunters United for Sunday Hunting is not singling you out or personally attacking you in our endeavor to correct this outdated blue law.

Unfortunately Pa. Farm Bureau has placed us in a position where that looks like the case.  The PFB has bullied the legislators to a point where they believe that Pa. Farm Bureau speaks for all farmers and agriculturalists in the commonwealth.

Hunters United for Sunday Hunting knows this is not the case.  Facts show that the PFB represents less than half of you, with 58,000 farm operations in the state and the PFB only representing 22,648 voting Farmer members.  Please believe me when we hear statements like ‘I am a farmer, the Pa. Farm Bureau doesn’t represent me’ there is undeniable truth to it.

But it is also important that you understand and realize I and my organization has no choice but to play in this same sandbox of misrepresentation created by Pa. Farm Bureau. There is no other course of action.  I combat it and separate as much as I can by continually reminding politicians and those that I meet with that the PFB does not have the support of the entire farming community.

I would like to report that lawmakers listen.  In some cases, they are coming around and starting to realize the charade is over and standing up to the PFB leadership bullies; and for good reason.
Again, this message is for farmers and agriculturalists.  I understand that you have been asking for the strengthening of trespass laws as a route to the overall Sunday hunting issue.  Hunters United for Sunday Hunting is on record as supporting an update to trespass laws in Pa.

My overall concern is that as the oppression of the PFB is unmasked, the politicians in their frustration will dismiss your asks in totality and not provide you with the necessary means to get the law updated.  The Pa. Farm Bureau will have ruined it for all.

The mission of our organization will remain steadfast.  That being to remove the prohibition of Sunday hunting in PA Title 34 Game Law through education, and influence legislatures to change the law accordingly.

If you are a Farmer member of the PFB:  my first ask is that you accept this as qualified reasoning that I do understand that you are a victim of association.  My second ask is that you contact the PFB leadership, tell them to just acknowledge and accept that the strengthening of trespass laws is the objective.  My third ask is to have PFB leadership acknowledge and accept the fact that the PFB as an organization is not wildlife managers; leave that to Pa. Game Commission.

For the majority of farmers who are not in the PFB.  I encourage you to contact your Pa. representatives, let them know that as an independent farmer the PFB does not represent you.

For the non-farming, hunting and conservationist community:  my ask is that you understand the position the PFB has placed all Pennsylvania farmers in as we continue to work on getting PA Title 34 Game Law updated.

In closing, the only people that can affect change is us.  Make it known to the Pa. legislature; contact them, voice your concerns as it pertains to Pa. Farm Bureau, tell lawmakers to support legislation that would amend Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes to authorize the Pennsylvania Game Commission to provide for Sunday hunting. Sincerely;
Harold Daub Executive Director, Hunters United for Sunday Hunting

Contact Information:




  1. I do understand the Farm Bureau does not represent all the farmers. I have not been able to obtain the numbers on their vote to keep the law in effect. It would be nice if they would release those numbers to show how many are still opposed and how many don't mind either way and how many are for removing the been on Sunday deer hunting. I stated that is Sunday deer hunting because you can still hunt other animals like coyote and Crow I believe. As for the trespassing laws I believe they could enforce better penalties for trespassing. But there needs to be a level of trespassing established. I say this because I believe like myself a timer to have gotten turned around in the woods whether it's in a snowstorm or getting dark sometimes we can get a little off course. Now Crossing somebody's property at that point if it wasn't extremely posted I could say could be understandable and maybe just a citation or a warning for the first offense but if you get caught doing it again on the same piece of land then you're getting a fine and possible loss of your license for a year.. But setting up and hunting on somebody's land that is clearly posted is another thing and should be prosecuted. And loss of license. I'm a Hunter and I try to respect other people's property as I would hope other people would respect mine. We don't have 500 lb deer so that's obviously a cow or a horse don't shoot it don't climb over a barbed wire fence it's there for a reason don't break down gates are open them up if you don't have a key to it and if the sign says stay out stay out. Some people have posted by permission only well that means go ask but you don't go ask at 4 in the morning you wait for a respectable hour say at least after 8 unless you see people out there and their driveway running around or doing stuff on the land but don't take up their timer interrupt them unless it's a convenient moment for them. It's rude to inconvenience somebody when you're asking for something from them. Sometimes if you treat people with respect in consideration you're more likely to get a little consideration back it would be nice if everybody lived by this rule unfortunately some people having which is why a lot of farmers are against Sunday hunting. So I urge all Hunters do please respect all landowners and their property and be considerate. Hunt well and be happy

    1. The Pa. Farm Bureau represents less-than-half the states farmers. That speaks volumes. You are spot on with the respect scenario.

  2. Oops autocorrect got me and voice-to-text. I should have edited before posting there's a few things that need to be changed and it would make more sense LOL one of them is some people haven't respected farmers and showed up at the door at 4 in the morning asking permission to hunt. That's just rude



  CONTACT: Hunters United for Sunday Hunting TELEPHONE: 717-350-6741 EMAIL : WEBSITE: