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The PA Game Commission has a robust process
in developing regulations.
Section 2102 of PA Title 34 Game Law
states: Pa Game Commission shall promulgate such regulations as it deems
necessary and appropriate concerning game or wildlife and hunting or furtaking
in this commonwealth, including regulations relating to the protection,
preservation and management of game or wildlife and game or wildlife habitat,
permitting or prohibiting hunting or furtaking, the ways, manner, methods and
means of hunting or furtaking, and the health and safety of persons who hunt or
take wildlife or may be in the vicinity of persons who hunt or take game or
wildlife in this commonwealth.
Process: All agency regulations are
voted on by an eight-member board of commissioners. The board of commissioners is nominated by
the governor and approved by the Pennsylvania Senate. These commissioners are solely responsible
for all agency regulation setting.
The Game Commission’s regulation setting
process collects public comments for consideration by the board of
commissioners in a number of different ways:
• Comments are received through email and
distributed to the board of commissioners.
• Letters received by PGC are forwarded to
the board of commissioners for review.
The public has the opportunity to make public comments at the agency’s
commission meetings.
As referenced above; Pa. Game Commission
is responsible for all wildlife in the commonwealth and those hikers, bikers,
horseback riders and all others that come in contact with hunters. This regulation setting process is completely
transparent and open to all. The process
is designed to take comments from all citizens of Pennsylvania, not just
hunters, and trappers, but all stakeholders, no one or group is excluded. In addition, and as part of the commission’s
regulation setting process, a press conference is held at each commission
meeting to allow the press to ask questions about regulation proposals and use
this information to help better inform the public.
Any regulation which the agency proposes
is presented at a commission meeting.
Any proposal must be voted on by the board of commissioners at two
public commission meetings before the regulation is adopted, or rejected if a
“no” vote prevails.
The agency also uses, where appropriate,
scientifically-based surveys to better understand the attitudes and preferences
as part of the process. Often,
individuals opposed to a specific regulation proposal are more inclined to
voice their opinion as opposed to individuals who support a proposal. Science-based public surveys are critical to
evaluating actual public opinion. The
results help the board in their decision-making process for particular
Game Commission Process At Work:
Recently, the Pennsylvania legislature
authorized the Game Commission to regulate the use of semiautomatic rifles in
hunting. After surveying wildlife
agencies in various other states, it was clear that semiautomatic rifles have
been used safely without issue, even for big game. However, when Pa. Game Commission sent a
survey to hunters and reviewed all public comments, it became clear that the
use of semiautomatic rifles was not supported by hunters, landowners, and other
citizens. As a result, the board of commissioners
decided to not allow semiautomatic rifles for big game at this time. This example reaffirms the agency’s robust
regulation decision-making process in considering all comments from the public,
and in using valid surveys to better evaluate the opinions of segments of our
state’s citizens.
In closing, if given the ability to
regulate hunting on Sundays. It will go
through this very same process prior to implementation in order to make the
best decision possible. Please be
assured that Pa. Game Commission regulation setting process works and can be
trusted. We have been able to accomplish
many wildlife management goals with it.
The task of hearing, considering, developing and implementing
regulations is not taken lightly. All
eight commissioners understand their duty to the citizens of the commonwealth
and its wildlife.
Bryan Burhans
Executive Director
Read Signed Letter: The PA Game Commission has a robust process in developing regulations.