Sunday, June 16, 2024



CONTACT: Hunters United for Sunday Hunting
TELEPHONE: 717-350-6741

Correspondence For:

Rep. Joanna E. McClinton

Rep. Matthew D. Bradford

Rep. Dan L. Miller

Rep. Bryan Cutler

Rep. Timothy J. O'Neal

My name is Kevin Askew, I am the executive director of Hunters United for

Sunday Hunting, the lead organization working to end the archaic blue law prohibiting hunting on Sunday.  I am addressing you as the decision makers and leadership team for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.  First, I recognize the tough and stressful task you all have in navigating, deciding, and tabling quality legislation for a vote.  It has to be a daunting duty.  This brings me to the subject at hand The Steele Deal of HB2106, HB2107, HB2108, and the 16 irrelevant and ridiculous amendments that have been introduced for consideration and inclusion.  These amendments have no substance or value and serve no purpose being added to The Steele Deal.  They just don’t.

This has been a nearly 53-year process getting to this current position and point of removing the blue law prohibiting hunting on Sunday bringing PA into the 21st Century societal standards.  Rep. Mandy Steele has done a tremendous job, one that could not be done in all those years of bringing all the stakeholders of hunter-conservation, agriculture, Pennsylvania Game Commission, law enforcement, and legislators to the bargaining table with the common goal of penning a fair deal for all, The Steele Deal. 

Take a moment and put all the politics and emotions aside.  Simply and frankly The Steele Deal provides everything needed not everything wanted.  HB2106 removes the archaic blue law deemed unenforceable in 1976 by the PA Supreme Court.  HB2106 also strengthens trespass laws something that agriculture and hunter-conservation have both wanted. HB2107 provides a tool that will connect hunters and agriculture to assist with the crop damage issues being experienced throughout the commonwealth by farmers. HB2108 is a hunter-conservation and agriculture mission multiplier when viewed and interpreted correctly.  It quantifies and qualifies what has existed for at least a decade on the PGC commissioner board as an agriculturist. That applicant will now have to meet the criteria of being knowledgeable in the area of wildlife management as well as actively engaged in a normal agricultural operation as defined in the Right-to-Farm Law. 

This legislation is not about Rep. Mandy Steele and what she wants.  It’s not about politically punishing or controlling the PGC.  It’s not about any individual politician's idealogy. It’s not about one political party versus another.  It’s not about your personal feelings as a leader.  What The Steele Deal is all about is doing the right thing and ending this 53-year benign fight to remove the blue law while benefiting agriculture and updating the long-needed trespass laws.   This is about allowing free people to be free people as stated in the PA Constitution  “All men are born equally free and independent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing and protecting property and reputation, and of pursuing their own happiness.”

French philosopher and author Jean-Paul Sarte wrote “Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat.” I implore you as leaders to do the right thing. Do not molest The Steele Deal with any of the 16 irrelevant amendments.  They are of no value and do no good for the quality piece of legislation presented by Rep. Mandy Steele and sponsors. All stakeholders have worked on and agreed to The Steele Deal.  Do not allow those who are not rowing the boat to only rock it.

You as leaders are on the cusp of history.  It is time to end the stupidity and get this done.  Five decades is long enough.  Don’t be the leaders that make it six decades.

Thank you for your time.  Please do not hesitate to contact me for further

discussion on this issue.  

///Kevin B. Askew///

Executive Director, Hunters United for Sunday Hunting


The outdoor industry [including hunting/shooting/trapping] added more value to

our commonwealth’s gross domestic product than all of Pennsylvania’s farms,

all of Pennsylvania’s oil and gas wells, and even all of Pennsylvania’s lawyers. 

2021 Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce.

PA House Bill 2106 

PA House Bill 2107

PA House Bill 2108

Steele Deal 16 Amendments

Pennsylvania Constitution


Western Pennsylvania farmers support Sunday deer hunting legislation

Hunters Celebrate More Than 25 Percent Surge Over Past Five Years

Wednesday, May 22, 2024



CONTACT: Hunters United for Sunday Hunting
TELEPHONE: 717-350-6741



The Pennsylvania House Game and Fisheries Committee on May 22, 2024, advanced THE STEELE DEAL HB2106, HB2107, HB2108  Repealing Sunday Hunting Prohibition in Pennsylvania. with a vote of 13 YEA, 11 NAY, and 1 NO VOTE on HB2106;  14 YEA and 11 NAY on HB2107; and 13 YEA, 11 NAY, and 1 NO VOTE  on HB2108.

The vote was consistent down party lines with the Democrat majority supporting all three bills and the Republican minority opposing all three bills.

How did we get here?  Simple, by Representative Mandy Steele doing her due diligence for eight months listening, learning, and having conversations on how to help grow the booming outdoor industry in PA while also assisting agriculture in its goals.  Hunter-conservation identified their number one issue as removing the prohibitive blue law restricting hunting on Sunday.  Agriculture identified its number one issue as being economic locally and as a whole through losses associated with crop damage.

HB2106 removes the blue law prohibiting hunting on Sunday and provides the Pennsylvania Game Commission with full regulatory authority to set seasons and bag limits seven days a week. HB 2106 also strengthens trespass laws by outlining the requirements and responsibilities for landowners and hunters alike.

HB2107 merely finishes what has been started.  It is known the PGC has been working towards a revision and updates to the hunter agriculture crop damage system.  Be it that all legalities and mechanics for implementation can be worked out.  HB2107 finishes the puzzle of connecting hunters, agriculturalists, and farmers by creating an online network to streamline the process for better interaction and results for those farmers seeking help with crop damage.

HB2108 is a hunter-conservation and agriculture mission multiplier when viewed and interpreted correctly.  There are currently two sitting agriculturalists on the PGC Board of Commissioners.  HB2108 updates and provides the needed defining criteria for the best selection possible for the most qualified candidate.  That applicant will now have to meet the criteria of being knowledgeable in the area of wildlife management as well as actively engaged in a normal agricultural operation as defined in the Right-to-Farm Law.

Statement from Kevin Askew, Executive Director, Hunters United for Sunday Hunting;

The Steele Deal is a good deal; it provides for everything needed, not everything wanted.  I would like to thank Representative Mandy Steele for her dedication in bringing this package of needed bills that helps hunters, conservationists, agriculturalists, and farmers.  I would also like to extend a thank you to
all the Democrats who worked on and supported the Steele Deal.  Far too often democrats are painted, portrayed, and stigmatized as not supporting hunting conservation and agriculture.  Your bold party line YEA vote today has demonstrated what has historically been recorded in the voting record on conservation issues. That is as a whole, Democrats have voted YEA on conservation issues much more than your Republican counterparts.  Today’s vote could be the first step in breaking that stigma.”

For more information about this topic, please contact Hunters United for Sunday Hunting, Executive Director Kevin Askew at 717-350-6741 or email at  View our Blog - 

View the PA House Game and Fisheries Committee meeting and voting here:

View the PA House Game and Fisheries Committee vote here: 




HUSH Mission Statement - Remove the prohibition of Sunday hunting in PA Title 34 Game Law through education, and influence legislatures to change the law accordingly.


Monday, April 8, 2024



April 9, 2024. 

Testimony to Pennsylvania House Game and Fisheries Committee for Informational Meeting on HB2106, HB2107, HB2108.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Members

My name is Kevin Askew, I am the executive director for Hunters United for Sunday Hunting, the lead organization working to end the archaic blue law prohibiting hunting on Sunday.  Our mission:  Remove the prohibition of Sunday Hunting in PA Title 34 Game Law through education, and influence legislatures to change the law accordingly.  This educational effort has brought us to this meeting today regarding Pennsylvania House Bills 2106, 2107, and 2108; the Steele Deal as it is now being called.

How did we get here?  Simple, by Representative Mandy Steele doing her due diligence for eight months listening, learning, and having conversations on how to help grow the booming outdoor industry in PA while also assisting agriculture in its goals.  Hunter-conservation identified their number one issue as removing the prohibitive blue law restricting hunting on Sunday.  Agriculture identified its number one issue as being economic locally and as a whole through losses associated with crop damage.

As you are aware there is much crossover between the hunter-conservation community and the agriculture community.  That is why the inclusiveness of the Steele Deal is a solid piece of legislation. 

HB2106 removes the blue law prohibiting hunting on Sunday and provides the Pennsylvania Game Commission with full regulatory authority to set seasons and bag limits seven days a week. HB 2106 also strengthens trespass laws by outlining the requirements and responsibilities for landowners and hunters alike.

HB2107 merely finishes what has been started.  It is known the PGC has been working towards a revision and updates to the hunter agriculture crop damage system.  Be it that all legalities and mechanics for implementation can be worked out.  HB2107 finishes the puzzle of connecting hunters, agriculturalists, and farmers by creating an online network to streamline the process for better interaction and results for those farmers seeking help with crop damage.

HB2108 is a hunter-conservation and agriculture mission multiplier when viewed and interpreted correctly.  There are currently two sitting agriculturalists on the PGC Board of Commissioners.  HB2108 updates and provides the needed defining criteria for the best selection possible for the most qualified candidate.  That applicant will now have to meet the criteria of being knowledgeable in the area of wildlife management as well as actively engaged in a normal agricultural operation as defined in the Right-to-Farm Law.

During my tenure, one of the common suggestions that myself and my team have received from legislators is ‘that the hunter community and the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau need to work together. Bring us a deal that you all can agree to.’  We thank Representative Steele for getting us to this point.  Abraham Lincoln said; “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.”

Together the Steele Deal legislative sponsors, hunter-conservation, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau have risen to the occasion, thought anew, and acted anew.   The expectation is that you and your colleagues will do the same.  This is not a partisan political issue of Democrat versus Republican.  It’s a Commonwealth issue of doing the right thing and ending the 342-year-old blue law and the 50-year benign seven-day-a-week hunting issue. 

The Steele Deal is a good deal; it provides for everything needed, not everything wanted. The question is do you have the insight to see this bipartisan issue as it is and get it to the Governor's desk for signature into law?  History indicates that you do. 

Monday, March 25, 2024


As the executive director for Hunters United for Sunday Hunting, I wanted to take a few minutes and address some common questions that we have been receiving over the current legislative activity to remove the prohibitive Sunday hunting blue law and provide full regulatory authority to the Pennsylvania Game Commission to set seasons and bag limits seven days a week.

Question: I need clarification on what is going on.  Are there two bills dealing with Sunday hunting?

    Answer: Yes, two separate bills are now in the legislative process to repeal the blue law.  

  • The most recently introduced in the PA House of Representatives is HB2106 from Rep. Mandy Steele (D) Allegheny County and is part of an agreed-upon package brought together from the bipartisan efforts of Ms. Steele. 

  • The ‘Steele Deal’ includes three bills:

    • HB 2106 repeals the blue law and strengthens trespass.  This is the bill of focus in the PA House of Representatives.  

    • HB2107 connects hunters, agriculturalists, and farmers by creating an online network to help with crop damage. 

    • HB2108 which would require that at least one member of the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners has experience in the agriculture industry as defined in the Right-to-Farm-Law  

The more known bill is SB67 introduced by Senator Dan Laughlin (R) Erie County which has been in the Senate Game and Fisheries Committee since February of 2023 and on March 20, 2024, was voted out of committee with a 7 YEA and 4 NAY vote.   This is the bill of focus in the PA Senate. 

Question: So if two bills repeal the Sunday hunting blue law what is the holdup?

    Answer:  The short answer is the legislative process.  

Question: Are there concerns with either bill, HB2106 and SB67?

    Answer:  The PA politicians know that hunter-conservationists have been asking and lobbying for the Sunday hunting blue law to be removed for 50 years.  There is legislative support to update the law and pass this legislation.  Hunters, agriculturalists, legislators, and the PA Game Commission have all come together to help end the blue law and help one another in the process.  The legislative concern is what the final language in the bill that will become law is.   The agreed language and reviewed by legal counsel is that of HB2106.  The process of amending bills becomes a bit arduous when there are two similar bills in both House [HB2106] and Senate [SB67] chambers that intend to accomplish the same thing but have differing language. There are steps to work this out bipartisanly in the legislative process but that can take some time. 

Question: Is there anything that can be done to help?  What can I/we do?

    Answer:  Continue to show your support by contacting both your State Representative and Senator.  Tell them your story.  Ask them to work bipartisanly on HB2106 and SB67 to end the prohibitive Sunday hunting blue law.  Let them know why that is important to you.  

Kevin B. Askew, Executive Director,  Hunters United for Sunday Hunting 


  CONTACT: Hunters United for Sunday Hunting TELEPHONE: 717-350-6741 EMAIL : WEBSITE: